
Cal/OSHA’s IIPP Standard Covers Outdoor and Indoor Heat Hazards

Contractors employing workers that perform work outside have long known the importance of addressing outdoor heat hazards in their Injury and Illness Prevention Programs (IIPP). A recent ruling by the California Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH or Cal/OSHA) Appeals Board should serve as a reminder that, at least in California, an employer’s responsibility isn’t limited to the Great Outdoors—the less-great indoors have heat hazards that must be addressed, as well. The Appeal’s Board recently ruled in favor of the Cal/OSHA 2012 citations against two employers premised on their IIPP and related training program failing to effectively address the hazards of indoor heat. The Appeals Board’s ruling affirms that the IIPP standard is not limited to outdoor heat hazards and all employers have a responsibility for ensuring compliance with all Cal/OSHA standards, not just the employer in charge of the worksite. According to the Appeals Board, contractors’ IIPPs and related employee training programs must cover both outdoor and indoor heat hazards.