
Note Cal/OSHAB’s Amended Personal Protective Devices and Safeguards Regulations

Effective April 1, 2015, employers are required to comply with the California Department of Industrial Relations, Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board’s amended Personal Protective Devices and Safeguards regulations. Among other amendments, Subdivision (d) of Sections 1514 (Construction Safety Orders) and 3380 (General Industry Safety Orders) of Title 8, Division 1, Chapter 4 of the California Code of Regulations have been amended to state: “The employer shall assure that all required safety devices and safeguards, whether employer or employee provided, including personal protective equipment for the eyes, face, head, hand, foot, and extremities (limbs), protective clothing, respiratory protection, protective shields and barriers comply with the applicable Title 8 standards and are maintained in a safe, sanitary condition.”

Other Resources: Cal/OSHAB, Personal Protective Devices and Safeguards, Rulemaking Documents