
The G2G Year in Review: 2019

As we kick off the new decade, we wanted to share the top five most-read articles of 2019 from Gravel2Gavel. The most-read blog posts covered 2019 real estate and construction industry trends ranging from affordable housing to the new State Bill 35 (SB 35) to sustainability in modern real estate. Our posts provided deep insight and detailed case studies, and summarized hot topics that addressed the legal implications and exciting disruptions that are affecting the industry. We hope you enjoy the roundup:

  1. Assessing SB 35—Success or Failure? by Robert Howard, Alexander Walker and Matt Olhausen
    Robert, Alex and Matt examined the newly implemented SB 35 and highlighted real examples of SB 35 in action.
  2. Update Your California Release Provisions to Include Amended Section 1542 Language by William S. Hale, P.E.
    Bill Hale encouraged readers to update their California release provisions to include Amended Section 1542 Language, which ensures that the releasing party is consciously releasing both known and unknown claims that may be later discovered.
  3. Rent Caps, Carveouts and “Just Cause” Evictions: Breaking Down the Tenant Protection Act of 2019 by James M. Rishwain, Jr. and Matt Olhausen
    Jim and Matt broke down the Tenant Protection Act of 2019, including discussions around new rent caps, rent cap carveouts and “just cause” evictions.
  4. 2019 Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act Gains Steam with Bipartisan Support by Emily K. Bias
    Emily expounded upon the 2019 Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act by explaining new 2019 bill provisions such as credit rate revisions, housing credit volume cap increases, student housing rules and more.
  5. Sustainability Puts Down Roots in Real Estate
    Considering the effects of millennials entering the housing market and how sustainability continues to be a growing driver in the real estate industry.

Thank you for your readership in 2019 and don’t hesitate to contact any of our authors on topics of note in 2020!